This morning I was rummaging through a bag of scarves, hats and gloves that I'd completely forgotten about. Right at the bottom I found a scarf that made me smile...
Several years ago, on a quick trip to the supermarket, a lady started talking to me in the salad section(as you do). I can't quite remember what she spoke about- but I'm pretty sure it was lettuce related.
Having lived in London for a few years, I wasn't used to strangers starting conversations with me and so I tried not to look at her like she was a complete weirdo. She quickly apologised for bothering me and explained how she'd recently spent a lot of time with her sick mum in hospital and just needed a bit of random conversation. She looked a little tearful.
I told her it was fine, but struggled to know what to say. She complimented me on my scarf and I responded with "Miss Selfridge, £12." I seem unable to not respond in this way when I receive a compliment about my clothes- fashion Tourettes possibly?
Anyway, after a very brief conversation, we went our separate ways. She carried on shopping, whilst I queued to pay. It was here that I had this sudden voice come into my mind. "You should've given her your scarf". At this point, I knew God was talking to me. I remember thinking: Oh Lord, please don't ask me to do that... she'll think I'm completely mental! I ignored the voice and scurried off to another shop.
However, the voice telling me to go back got louder. So, I reluctantly went back to the supermarket. I found the lady and awkwardly approached her. "I felt that I should give this to you'. She smiled. She said it was very kind of me but she couldn't possibly accept it. I explained how I had too many scarves anyway- and probably shouldn't have bought it in the first place.
It's then that she said something that stuck with me. 'You keep the scarf and then every time you wear it, you'll remember how lovely you are'. I handed her a flyer for my church and said she should come along sometime and then once again, we went our separate ways.
It's funny how much it lifted me, remembering how this lady thought I was lovely. It got me thinking, how much more should it make me smile- knowing that the God of the universe also thinks I'm lovely. In fact, He loved me so much, that He willingly let his precious Son die for me, when I was actually far from being lovely.
So my reminder to you at the start of this year is: you're lovely! You're precious, you're unique and cherished by a wonderful, loving God, who wants to get to know you more.
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